Health Insurance Claim Attorney Sarasota

Health Insurance Claim Attorney Near Me

Health Insurance Claim Attorney Sarasota

Florida Legal Advocates - A Private Law Firm has the expertise, skill, and knowledge to help you in the event of a denied claim. We understand just how frustrating it can be to have your claim turned down for health insurance or other related reasons. You deserve to get the compensation you are owed for medical bills. We handle denied insurance claims of all types and we will provide the effective legal services you deserve in Sarasota, FL and the rest of Florida.

Seasoned Insurance Claim Lawyers

At the law office of Florida Legal Advocates - A Private Law Firm, we handle denied insurance claims of all types including disability insurance claims, vehicle damage claims, theft claims, watercraft insurance claims, and more. We also represent individuals with life insurance claims, workers compensation insurance claims, and many other denied insurance claims. As seasoned insurance claim lawyers, we have what it takes to help you get your claim resolved successfully.

For 26 combined years, our law firm has been successfully helping individuals to get the right outcome after their claims have been denied. We believe that no one should have to deal with an unrelenting insurance company during a challenging time. Rest assured knowing that our team of committed claims attorneys know the insurance process inside and out and will fight aggressively for the rights of our clients.

If you need assistance with denied insurance claims, give us a call today, toll free at (855) FL-ADVOCATES, or (754) 263-4252.

Blog / News:

Closing the Case on Your Long Overdue Hurricane Irma Claim
Hurricane Damage Claims Attorney Sarasota

By Russel Lazega, Attorney and Author
Article from Russel's column in the Adventure News

The late Senator George Aiken was once asked what the U.S. should do about the long and seemingly hopeless battle in Vietnam. The Senator unflinchingly responded, “Declare victory and get out.” Back here in the state of sunshine, storms and alligators, you might think that philosophy is back when it comes to Hurricane Irma claims.

Insurers proudly declare that they have successfully closed over 90% of all Irma claims. Hailing “victory” against the relentless enemy of contractual obligation, insurers boast that tens of thousands of claims are closed. Yet somehow blue tarps still speckle the landscape and my lobby is filled with clients still seeking help.
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TAGS: Hurricane Damage Claims Attorney Sarasota | Hurricane Damage Claims Sarasota

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