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How can I prove that a speeding driver caused my car accident

How can I prove that a speeding driver caused my car accident?

In the U.S, speed is among the major causes of automobile accidents. Accidents due to speeds frequently lead to significant property losses and injuries caused by the severe impact force. The more quickly the driver drives, the greater the risk of damage to the property and injuries. If a motorist is wounded by such a driver who is speeding in an automobile accident, it is important that the victim be reimbursed for his injuries. It may be difficult to prove, but it is not impossible to prove that the crash was caused due to speeding. A survivor of a car crash may prove in a variety of ways that the driver at fault was speeding at the time of the accident. A professional Baltimore accident attorney will also assist with insurance process of car crash victims to obtain the proof they need to have a valid claim.

Call Florida Advocates today to discuss your options
at 754-263-4252 or 855-352-3862

Speed-related accidents: How common are they?

Speeding accounted for 26% of all traffic deaths in 2017 as per the National Highway Traffic Safety Authority (NHTSA). In 2018 there were 9,378 car drivers killed in car accidents due to speeding. Research from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) shows that almost 37,000 persons were fatally injured in speed-related incidents between 1993 and 2017, which the IIHS claims are correlated with increasing speed limits during the past twenty-five years. Starting this year, forty-two states have speed limit values of 70 mph or higher, with 11 states with a speed restriction of 75 mph and 8 states with a limit of 80 mph. Oft, car drivers travel five, ten or more miles an hour mph over the speed limit posted, which ensures that drivers in an area of 80-mph will drive dangerously fast. The effects of a car crash of 70 to 85 miles per hour can be catastrophic.

Why is it dangerous to speed?

NHTSA regards speeding as a type of aggressive behavior that is described as a mixing of traffic offenses in order to jeopardize other people or property. These are examples of reckless driving, which can be particularly dangerous in conjunction with speeding and cause both serious accidents and deaths:

  • Driving over the speed limit
  • Changing direction abruptly
  • Tailgating
  • Not using turn signals

Not following traffic signals, traffic signs or traffic control systems posted

What is the proof that a car crash was caused by speeding?

Testimonies from other drivers or bystanders in the surroundings can prove whether the other driver was driving fast, especially if he had been driving at a substantially higher speed than that of the legal speed limit. Expert witnesses may also be used to share their expert opinions on what occurred after reviewing all the facts. Expert witnesses, mostly are law enforcement personnel, forensic experts or people skilled in the reconstruction of accidents.

Police reports: When the police enter an accident point, an accident report is compiled, which contains specifics of the accident and the opinion of the officer on who was at fault in the accident. Among the most critical elements of the study is the officer's submission of citations. This is generally sufficient to prove guilt if a speed ticket was given to that other driver.

Physical evidence: If the testimony is not available, people believe that it's hard to prove that the other driver was speeding. However, speed accidents also sometimes leave behind proof which the victim could use. The following facts prove speeding:

Marks of Skidding upon the road: A forensic specialist will verify the depth and size of a skid mark and if speed caused the damage. If the driver speeded the skid marks would be longer. The quicker the car goes, the bigger the mark will be.

Debris on the road: The quantity of debris from the vehicles may be an indicator of the speed and how far it gets from the car. Forensic experts calculate the position of the debris and the vehicle and compute speed at which the car travelled as it collided with the other car. Drivers should photograph the crash site before removing or moving debris.

Vehicle damage: The degree of property damage could show how rapidly a car moved when the collision occurred. The car damage will provide useful insight on why the accident happened, even though the motorist may not have pictured the road debris or skid marks.

Monitoring or surveillance video: Monitoring footage can be available depending on the location of the accident. The accident could have been reported, if for example, the accident occurred near homes or firms with surveillance cameras and perhaps other tracking systems. A security system controller may be contacted by an accident attorney for copies of the image footage.

Accident scene pictures: It is strongly recommended that drivers take photos from all angles of the vehicle, along with debris and skid marks, including closeups of the car's damage. A forensic specialist may assess if a bumper has been damaged in an accident if the driver that hit the crashed car exceeded the legal speed limit.

Onboard electronic data: These are not commonly used in passenger cars but are increasingly used with the use of dash cameras by larger vehicles as well as other commercial trucks. The vehicle speed can be registered when the accident occurs.

GPS data: Commuters have used GPS data for defending speeding tickets. It also proves that a driver would not have been able to drive without speeding from one stage to the other. For instance, if it is shown by the GPS that you have to drive from A to B in 30 minutes, but that the driver traveled in 15 minutes, then she/he was probably speeding.

Call Florida Advocates today to discuss your options
at 754-263-4252 or 855-352-3862


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